St. Paul’s Episcopal Community is passionately dedicated to ministries beyond the doors of the church. We support a number of active community outreach programs including the House of Compassion and our recently installed Blessing Box which provides food and other necessities to those in need, supporting the Marshalltown Food Pantry and offering weekly Bible study programs.…

  • Scripture Study

    Join us for a discussion of the scriptures for Sunday. We meet online for a Zoom conversation about the scripture readings for the upcoming Sunday service. Its a cordial group, and we engage in a lively, cordial anf thought-provokingdiscussion of scripture and its effects on our daily lives. Everyone is welome to join us.

    You can join us at 4:00pm (CDT) most Thursday afternoons by copying the following link in your browser:

    or you can call in to: 312-626-6799 (Marshalltown)

  • St. Paul's Blessing Box

    Recently the members of St. Paul’s constructed and installed a community food box we call the Blessing Box. Its purpose is to help supply some of the necessary food and personal items to those in need. It is located on the north side of the church and we welcome any donations to the box. And if you are in need of help with supplying food for yourself or your family, please stop by.

    If you are able to help us stock this Blessing Box, please feel free to leave your donation in the box. If you have a large quantity of food you wish to donate, we can store it in the church office and stock the box from there. For information please contact the office at 641-753-6317.

  • Animal Blessing

    Every fall at some point near the feast of St. Francis, Father Richard welcomes all pet owners to bring their dogs, cats, ferrets and critters to be blessed at St. Paul’s.